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For the 2021–22 school year, IPS is updating the ways in which students get to and from school: walking, riding an IPS yellow bus, or using IndyGo. Because of significantly high transportation costs per pupil, coupled with several factors related to COVID-19 and a $15 million district shortfall, IPS has developed a strategic approach to maximize funding that doesn’t negatively affect classrooms. 

IPS is executing the walk zone policy for K–12 students at all schools (the district began enforcing its walk zone policy during the 2020-21 school year at 13 schools). Additionally the district is looking to transition some high school students from IPS yellow bus to IndyGo. District administration presented a proposal to the IPS Board of School Commissioners on March 25 that would allow select high school students to ride IndyGo as their sole means of transportation to and from school. 

Families who will be affected by these decisions will receive a letter regarding their student’s 2021–22 transportation designation.

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